
 Agnisakshi  is a popular Kannada television series that originally aired on the Kannada entertainment channel, Star Suvarna, in India. The show revolves around the lives of two women, Sannidhi and Swathi, and their intertwined destinies. Sannidhi, played by actress Vaishnavi Gowda, is a traditional and virtuous young woman who is married to Siddharth, a wealthy businessman played by actor Vijay Suriya. However, their happy marriage is threatened by the arrival of a mysterious woman named Swathi, played by actress Vaishnavi in a double role. full video.jpg

The show has been praised for its strong performances by the cast, its engaging storyline, and its exploration of themes such as family, love, and betrayal. It has won several awards, including Best Television Serial at the 2016 Suvarna Film Awards, and has a dedicated fan following in India and around the world. The show has also been adapted into other languages such as Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi, with slight variations to the storyline and cast
